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“On Rosh Hashanah, it is written. On Yom Kippur, it is sealed.”

May it be your will, Eternal our God, that the year 5785 brings to us, to the whole House of Israel, 

and to all the world, life and peace, joy and exaltation, redemption and comfort. Amen.

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Temple Emanuel's 5785 High Holiday Information


To attend High Holiday Services at Temple Emanuel in-person, you must have a ticket for security purposes. 


Members will be sent their tickets in the mail automatically. Members and non-members may request guest tickets by calling the Temple office. There is no charge for guest tickets, but donations are always gratefully accepted! Each ticket is valid for all of the High Holiday services.


Please follow all security procedures and directions from our High Holiday Ushers and security personnel to ensure your safety. Large bags (over 12"x12"x6") will not be permitted and should be left at home or in the car. (Exceptions will be made for diaper bags.)


The main services (Erev Rosh Hashanah, Rosh Hashanah Morning, Kol Nidre, and the Yom Kippur Morning, Afternoon, Yizkor, and Neilah services) will be livestreamed.  Services are livestreamed on Temple Emanuel's YouTube page and the Temple Facebook page. 


Special High Holiday Family Programming!


  • For Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur morning services, we will have an educational program for children who are in Kindergarten through Grade 3. There is no charge for these programs, but reservations are required - no exceptions please!

  • For Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur morning services, we will also have babysitting in the playroom and outdoor playground for children ages 1 through 5. There is a fee of $20 per service per child for babysitting. Reservations are required - no exceptions please!

  • For Rosh Hashanah Evening and Yom Kippur Afternoon services, we will also have babysitting in the playroom and outdoor playground for children ages 1 through 3rd Grade. There is a fee of $20 per service per child for babysitting. Reservations are required - no exceptions please!

  • Family services will be held on Rosh Hashanah morning at 9:00 a.m. and Yom Kippur afternoon at 3:00 p.m.


Click here to register for babysitting and the education programs, or call the Temple office. Note that you must register for each service separately when registering online. Education Programs are free but reservations are required!!


Erev Rosh Hashanah
Wednesday, October 2
6:00 p.m. *Erev Rosh Hashanah Service

Click here to watch the livestream

Rosh Hashanah
Thursday, October 3

9:00 a.m. - Family Rosh Hashanah Service


10:00 a.m. - *Rosh Hashanah Morning Service

Click here to watch the livestream​

High Holy Day Food Drive Appeal

For Jews around the world, the High Holy Days not only mark a time for prayer and spiritual reflection but also for action to improve the world. This year, we are once again encouraging our members and guests to bring bags filled with non-perishable food to the Temple, starting on Tashlich and continuing through Yom Kippur. The food will be delivered to the David Frazier Food Pantry at Jewish Family Services. Grocery bags should contain only non-perishable foods.


We also encourage everyone to send in a check during the High Holy Days, made payable to Temple Emanuel but designated on the memo line for hunger relief and/or immigration support.  Funds raised for hunger relief will be donated to the IRC and funds raised for immigration support will be directed to Faith Action International.

No events at the moment

As a diverse congregation, we explore Jewish traditions, culture, rituals, and history in a warm environment that is inclusive, relevant, and inspirational. Preschooler or retiree, teen or mother, survivor or corporate climber, there are meaningful services, ceremonies and engaging events for everyone.



Website Photo Credit: Ivan Saul Cutler

(336) 292-7899


Jefferson Road Campus:

1129 Jefferson Rd

Greensboro, North Carolina 27410

*Offices at Jefferson Road Campus


Greene Street Campus:

713 North Greene Street

Greensboro, North Carolina 27401


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