A Guide to Financial Assistance for
Jewish Overnight Summer Camp for Temple Families
The Jewish overnight camping experience has a meaningful and lasting impact on children, but we know that paying for it can be a challenging and often confusing task. For information related to scholarship information for middle-class families contact Betsy Gamburg at Jewish Family Services (JFS) at (336) 852-4829, ext. 225 or bgamburg@shalomgreensboro.org. For information on the One Happy Camper program, a program that provides grants for first-year campers, contact Maya Gurfinkel (336) 852-5433 ext. 243 or mgurfinkel@shalomgreensboro.org at the Greensboro Jewish Federation. Both are happy to talk to you and provide any assistance they can.
First Year Campers
The Greensboro Jewish Federation, Temple Emanuel, and Beth David Synagogue offer a One Happy Camper First Year Incentive Grant of $1250 to an approved non-profit Jewish overnight camp over 18 days long. If your child is going to a program of 12-18 days in length, such as Six Points Sports Camp, a grant of $875 is available. The approved camp list and application is at the One Happy Camper website www.onehappycamper.org
The Stanley Shavitz Camp Judaea Camper Incentive Grant Fund provides an additional first-year grant of $1000 to campers attending Camp Judaea. If you are applying for the One Happy Camper First Year Incentive Grant, you will automatically be considered for the Shavitz Fund if your child is attending Camp Judaea. The Shavitz Fund is also available to second-year campers attending Camp Judea in the amount of $500/camper for camps greater than 19 days, and $250/camper for camps 12-19 days. The Fischer Send-A-Kid to Overnight Jewish Camp Incentive Grant Fund provides an additional first-time campers grant of $1000/camper for camps greater than 19 days, or $500/camper for camps 12-19 days for any qualifying Jewish overnight camp, aside from Camp Judea. Additional funds are available to second-year campers for $500/camper for camps greater than 19 days, or $250/camper for camps 12-19 days.
Camp Financial Aid
Most camps offer financial aid and will be happy to talk with you about this. Start by going to their websites to apply and follow directions there regarding financial aid. If anything is not clear, call the camp to clarify the process and make sure your request is known. Applying early is always a good idea.
Jewish Family Services
JFS provides needs-based scholarships for Greensboro area families. We encourage families to apply for this additional funding. The application is available online at www.shalomgreensboro.org or at Jewish Family Services. It’s always due by the last day of February. For JFS funds, it is necessary to apply to the camp as well for assistance. This program is administered by Betsy Gamburg who can be reached at bgamburg@shalomgreensboro.org or 852-4829, ext. 225.
Assistance from Congregations
Contact Temple’s Rabbis for any possible additional assistance.
The Bradley J. Starr Campership Fund at Temple Emanuel provides a limited number of scholarships on a first come first serve basis if the child is not a first-year camper (in which case campers who are Temple members are already receiving assistance from this fund through the One Happy Camper Fund Incentive Grant.) Contact Rabbi Andy Koren at the Temple at 292-7899 or akoren@tegreensboro.org.
6 Points Sports (Greensboro)
6 Points Sci-Tech (Massachusettes)
6 Points Creative Arts (Pennsylvania)
Camp Coleman (Georgia)
High School Leadership opportunities
Looking for something not on this list? Be sure to speak with Rabbi Fisher.