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Mitzvah Day

Mitzvah Day is a wonderful opportunity for the Greensboro Jewish community to participate in the holy task of Tikkun Olam, repairing the world. Mitzvah Day is a concerted effort, on a single day, to bring the entire community together to spend one day volunteering with social justice projects/activities in the community. Volunteers choose from a variety of projects that cater to diverse interests, capabilities, and ages. A successful Mitzvah Day strengthens the community’s commitment to social action and its identity as a caring community.

By joining together to perform acts of social responsibility and kindness on Mitzvah Day, we of the Greensboro Jewish Community fulfill our shared Jewish obligation of Tikkun Olam, of “repairing the world.” We capitalize on the vibrancy and vitality of our community to aid those in need, regardless of religion, race, or creed. In doing so, we honor our neighbors, ourselves, our Tradition, and G-d.


Thank you to everyone who joined us for GSO Mitzvah Day 2023!

Stay tuned here for information on next year's Mitzvah Day!

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As a diverse congregation, we explore Jewish traditions, culture, rituals, and history in a warm environment that is inclusive, relevant, and inspirational. Preschooler or retiree, teen or mother, survivor or corporate climber, there are meaningful services, ceremonies and engaging events for everyone.



Website Photo Credit: Ivan Saul Cutler

(336) 292-7899


Jefferson Road Campus:

1129 Jefferson Rd

Greensboro, North Carolina 27410

*Offices at Jefferson Road Campus


Greene Street Campus:

713 North Greene Street

Greensboro, North Carolina 27401


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