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Last year we began the “Project Hamantaschen” Baking Challenge. It was a great success due to everyone who participated. So again, we will arrange for our Jewish seniors to receive a special mishlo’ach manot delivery from Temple Emanuel. In order to do this, we will need the help of Temple families and volunteers.

Opportunity One:

We need well over 1,000 hamantaschen. There is something special about pooling our energies to make this happen. We need as many families as possible to make 2-3 dozen hamantaschen each. Take the recipe by Polly Strasser, which was featured in Temple’s Centennial Cookbook and also appears on the next page, and work your magic. An easy-to-follow instructional video by Jen Strasser is also available on Temple’s YouTube channel (search for "Project Hamantaschen"). Contact-free drop-offs at Temple will take place in early March so that we will be ready for delivery in advance of Purim.

Opportunity Two:

We need hand-made gift cards that say “Chag Sameach – Happy Purim!” Draw pictures of masks, groggers, Purim characters, and more. Let your creative side show. We need more than 100 cards for this to be a success, so make five or make more. And be sure to include the message “from your friends at Temple Emanuel” in the card.

Opportunity Three:

We need a team of teens who drive and other volunteers to take these deliveries around town. Since the start of this pandemic, our teens have been so helpful in ways that are just not seen by our community. We will be calling them into action once again to make an intergenerational impact, this time for the generation of their grandparents and great-grandparents.

Sign up so that you can be involved in one, two, or all three of these ways to fill Purim with a special Temple connection for Jewish seniors throughout greater Greensboro.


Queen Esther and Mordechai had their moment of rising to the occasion. Temple Emanuel’s Project Hamantaschen is our way of carrying their legacy forward in such an important way. 
Thank you for doing your part!

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