Ushpizin for Each Day of Sukkot!
What are we supposed to do with Sukkot this year?
One of the centerpieces of Sukkot, in addition to the lulav and the etrog, is being with others. We hope that Temple families are safe during this time when keeping our distance is the order of the day.
While there will not be a communal Sukkah at Temple, Rabbi Andy will be providing a daily showcase conversation from his Sukkah with guests from Greensboro and beyond, some with very deep roots at Temple Emanuel. This keeps with the time-honored Jewish custom of welcoming special guests, or Ushpizin and Ushpizot, into our Sukkah. The only difference this year is that rather than this happening in-person at a specific time, you can do this from the safety of your own Sukkah or home. In addition to tuning in, we hope that you will also share a piece of Temple’s story and hospitality with others.
A new recording will appear each day of Sukkot at 5:00 p.m. on Temple’s Facebook page and website. Scroll down to find the daily links!
And stay tuned for more information on Simchat Torah which will take place Live on Zoom on Sunday morning, October 11th, at 10:00 AM.
Chag Sameach!
Friday, October 2
6:30 p.m. - Shabbat Sukkot Service
Live from Rabbi Andy's Sukkah on Zoom
Saturday, October 10
5:45 p.m. - Yizkor Service (Live on Zoom)
Simchat Torah
Sunday, October 11
10:00 a.m. - Simchat Torah Service on Zoom
1st day of Sukkot (Saturday, October 3)
2nd day of Sukkot (Sunday, October 4)
3rd day of Sukkot (Monday, October 5)
4th day of Sukkot (Tuesday, October 6)
5th day of Sukkot (Wednesday, October 7)
6th day of Sukkot (Thursday, October 8)
Greensboro Faith Leaders' Council members
7th day of Sukkot (Friday, October 9)
8th day of Sukkot (Saturday, October 10)