Children and the Immigration Crisis: A Book Club
Sun, Apr 05
Will be held online via Zoom

Time & Location
Apr 05, 2020, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
About the event
Join the Immigration Committee and other community members as we discuss Valeria Luiselli's celebrated bookÂ
Tell Me How It Ends: An Essay in Forty Questions (2017), which examines the immigration crisis from the perspective of children trapped in its center. Karen Spira, a Spanish professor at Guilford College and a member of Temple's Board of Trustees, will facilitate a discussion about Luiselli's reporting.
We invite you to read Luiselli's book before the study session. It is short -- about 100 pp. long -- but has been hailed as a crucial book for this moment. It is available in Spanish as Los niños perdidos: Un ensayo en 40 preguntas.
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